26 September 2005

Encounter with the Quincy L Stop

You haul your luggage (not to mention your ass) up flight after overpainted flight of exterior stairs on Wells and Quincy (after some alarm—how will you get to Midway on time?—on encountering a “do not enter” sign in front of identically overpainted stairs closer to Adams), and after the noise and frank ugliness of the street (no streetscape can survive an elevated train), you step into a charming former world. The token booth (or whatever you call it in Chicago—in New York, it would be a token booth) is fronted with blond wood, nicked throughout, sure, but easy on the eyes. You look up, and see a ceiling that's either intricately molded plaster or painted tin.

Maybe the best part is, no more stairs. The quaint wooden platform awaits, and—in a moment—so does the Midway-bound train.

For more information on the Quincy/Wells station, which is the only restored station in the Loop, click here.

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